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Scientific Papers
Title | Authors | Published At | Date |
Renal hücreli kanserin izole tiroid metastazı | Ali Solmaz, Ali Muhammedoğlu, Serdar Altınay, Candaş Erçetin, Erkan Yavuz, Osman Bilgin Gülçiçek, Şenay Yalçın, Yeşim Erbil | Turkish Journal of Surgery | DOI: 10.5152/UCD.2015.2962 |
Nefrojenik diabetes insipidus ile komplike olan lityumla ilişkili primer hiperparatiroidizm | Nihat Aksakal, Candaş Erçetin, Beyza Özçınar, Ferihan Aral, Yeşim Erbil | Turkish Journal of Surgery | DOI: 10.5152/UCD.2014.2859 |
Akut apandisitin çok nadir bir sebebi: Metastatik gastrik taşlı yüzük hücreli karsinom | Candaş Erçetin, Ahmet Cem Dural, Yaşar Özdenkaya, Özlem Dural, Huriye Gözde Muhafız Dada, Gülçin Yeğen, Yersu Kapran, Yeşim Erbil | Turkish Journal of Surgery | DOI: 10.5152/UCD.2015.2863 |
Tiroid cerrahisi sonrası artmış interlökin 1 ve tümör nekroz faktör alfa düzeyleri | Beyza Özçınar, Nihat Aksakal, Fatih Yanar, Orhan Ağcaoğlu, Kıvanç Derya Peker, Ümit Türkoğlu, Selçuk Mercan, Selçuk Özarmağan, Yeşim Erbil | Turkish Journal of Surgery | 2014, Cilt 30, Sayı 2 |
The use of ligasure vessel sealing system in axillary dissection; effect on seroma formation | Tukenmez M, Agcaoglu O, Aksakal N, Destek S, Cabioglu N, Barbaros U, Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Dinccag A, Ozmen V, Muslumanoglu M, Igci A | Chirurgia (Bucur) | 2014 Sep-Oct;109(5):620-5 |
A rare cause of chronic dysphagia: eosinophilic esophagitis | Destek S, Gul VO, Ahioglu S, Tatar Z, Erbil Y | J Surg Case Rep | 2014 Sep 23;2014(9) |
Factors that affect the false-negative outcomes of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in thyroid nodules | Agcaoglu O, Aksakal N, Ozcinar B, Sarici IS, Ercan G, Kucukyilmaz M, Yanar F, Ozemir IA, Kilic B, Caglayan K, Yilmazbayhan D, Salmaslioglu A, Issever H, Ozarmagan S, Erbil Y | Int J Endocrinol | 2013;2013:126084 |
The identification of recurrent laryngeal nerve by injection of blue dye into the inferior thyroid artery in elusive locations | Hepgul G, Kucukyilmaz M, Koc O, Duzkoylu Y, Sari YS, Erbil Y | J Thyroid Res | 2013;2013:539274 |
The "forgotten" goiter after total thyroidectomy | Sahbaz A, Aksakal N, Ozcinar B, Onuray F, Caglayan K, Erbil Y | Int J Surg Case Rep | 2013;4(3):269-71 |
Multiple gastrointestinal stromal tumors and pheochromocytoma in a patient with von Recklinghausen's disease | Ozcinar B, Aksakal N, Agcaoglu O, Tukenmez M, Ozemir IA, Barbaros U, Colak N, Erbil Y | Int J Surg Case Rep | 2013;4(2):216-8 |
Nonfunctional adrenal lesions without loss of signal intensity on MRI: whose problem is it? The patient's? The surgeon's? | Aksakal N, Şahbaz A, Özçınar B, Özemir A, Çağlayan K, Ağcaoğlu O, Barbaros U, Salmaslioglu A, Erbil Y | Int J Surg | 2013;11(2):169-72 |
Neuroendocrine tumors presenting with thyroid gland metastasis: a case series | Sivrikoz E, Ozbey NC, Kaya B, Erbil Y, Kaya S, Yilmazbayhan D, Firat P, Kapran Y | J Med Case Rep | 2012 Feb 27;6:73 |
Determinants of postoperative hypocalcemia in vitamin D-deficient Graves'patients after total thyroidectomy | Erbil Y, Ozbey NC, Sari S, Unalp HR, Agcaoglu O, Ersöz F, Issever H, Ozarmagan S | Am J Surg | 2011 May;201(5):685-91 |
The 8-oxoguanine DNA N-glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) Ser326Cys variant affects the susceptibility to Graves'disease | Tanrikulu S, Doğru-Abbasoğlu S, Ozderya A, Ademoğlu E, Karadağ B, Erbil Y, Uysal M | Cell Biochem Funct | 2011 Apr;29(3):244-8 |
Predictive value of thyroid tissue density in determining the patients on whom sternotomy should be performed | Sari S, Erbil Y, Ersöz F, Saricam G, Salmaslioğlu A, Işsever H, Ozarmağan S | J Surg Res | 2012 May 15;174(2):312-8 |
Predictive value of retroperitoneal fat area measurement for detecting metabolic syndrome in patients undergoing adrenalectomy | Ersöz F, Erbil Y, Sarı S, Salmaslıoğlu A, Işsever H, Aral F, Özarmağan S | World J Surg | 2011 May;35(5):986-94 |
Radio-guided excision of parathyroid lesions in patients who had previous neck surgeries: a safe and easy technique for re-operative parathyroid surgery | Sarı S, Erbil Y, Ersöz F, Olmez A, Salmaslıoğlu A, Adalet I, Colak N, Özarmağan S | Int J Surg | 2011;9(4):339-42 |
The effect of glutamine on oxidative damage in an experimental abdominal compartment syndrome model in rats | Tihan DN, Erbil Y, Seven R, Arkaya S, Türkoğlu U, Hepgül G, Borucu I | Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg | 2011 Jan;17(1):1-8 |
Diagnostic value of thyroglobulin measurement in fine-needle aspiration biopsy for detecting metastatic lymph nodes in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma | Salmaslıoğlu A, Erbil Y, Cıtlak G, Ersöz F, Sarı S, Olmez A, Tunacı M, Yılmazbayhan D, Colak N, Ozarmağan S | Langenbecks Arch Surg | 2011 Jan;396(1):77-81 |
Flapless conventional thyroidectomy: a prospective, randomized study | Kamer E, Unalp H, Derici H, Akguner T, Erbil Y, Issever H, Peskersoy M | Surg Today | 2010 Nov;40(11):1018-22 |