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Title Authors Published At Date
Renal hücreli kanserin izole tiroid metastazı Ali Solmaz, Ali Muhammedoğlu, Serdar Altınay, Candaş Erçetin, Erkan Yavuz, Osman Bilgin Gülçiçek, Şenay Yalçın, Yeşim Erbil Turkish Journal of Surgery DOI: 10.5152/UCD.2015.2962
Nefrojenik diabetes insipidus ile komplike olan lityumla ilişkili primer hiperparatiroidizm Nihat Aksakal, Candaş Erçetin, Beyza Özçınar, Ferihan Aral, Yeşim Erbil Turkish Journal of Surgery DOI: 10.5152/UCD.2014.2859
Akut apandisitin çok nadir bir sebebi: Metastatik gastrik taşlı yüzük hücreli karsinom Candaş Erçetin, Ahmet Cem Dural, Yaşar Özdenkaya, Özlem Dural, Huriye Gözde Muhafız Dada, Gülçin Yeğen, Yersu Kapran, Yeşim Erbil Turkish Journal of Surgery DOI: 10.5152/UCD.2015.2863
Tiroid cerrahisi sonrası artmış interlökin 1 ve tümör nekroz faktör alfa düzeyleri Beyza Özçınar, Nihat Aksakal, Fatih Yanar, Orhan Ağcaoğlu, Kıvanç Derya Peker, Ümit Türkoğlu, Selçuk Mercan, Selçuk Özarmağan, Yeşim Erbil Turkish Journal of Surgery 2014, Cilt 30, Sayı 2
The use of ligasure vessel sealing system in axillary dissection; effect on seroma formation Tukenmez M, Agcaoglu O, Aksakal N, Destek S, Cabioglu N, Barbaros U, Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Dinccag A, Ozmen V, Muslumanoglu M, Igci A Chirurgia (Bucur) 2014 Sep-Oct;109(5):620-5
A rare cause of chronic dysphagia: eosinophilic esophagitis Destek S, Gul VO, Ahioglu S, Tatar Z, Erbil Y J Surg Case Rep 2014 Sep 23;2014(9)
Factors that affect the false-negative outcomes of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in thyroid nodules Agcaoglu O, Aksakal N, Ozcinar B, Sarici IS, Ercan G, Kucukyilmaz M, Yanar F, Ozemir IA, Kilic B, Caglayan K, Yilmazbayhan D, Salmaslioglu A, Issever H, Ozarmagan S, Erbil Y Int J Endocrinol 2013;2013:126084
The identification of recurrent laryngeal nerve by injection of blue dye into the inferior thyroid artery in elusive locations Hepgul G, Kucukyilmaz M, Koc O, Duzkoylu Y, Sari YS, Erbil Y J Thyroid Res 2013;2013:539274
The "forgotten" goiter after total thyroidectomy Sahbaz A, Aksakal N, Ozcinar B, Onuray F, Caglayan K, Erbil Y Int J Surg Case Rep 2013;4(3):269-71
Multiple gastrointestinal stromal tumors and pheochromocytoma in a patient with von Recklinghausen's disease Ozcinar B, Aksakal N, Agcaoglu O, Tukenmez M, Ozemir IA, Barbaros U, Colak N, Erbil Y Int J Surg Case Rep 2013;4(2):216-8
Nonfunctional adrenal lesions without loss of signal intensity on MRI: whose problem is it? The patient's? The surgeon's? Aksakal N, Şahbaz A, Özçınar B, Özemir A, Çağlayan K, Ağcaoğlu O, Barbaros U, Salmaslioglu A, Erbil Y Int J Surg 2013;11(2):169-72
Neuroendocrine tumors presenting with thyroid gland metastasis: a case series Sivrikoz E, Ozbey NC, Kaya B, Erbil Y, Kaya S, Yilmazbayhan D, Firat P, Kapran Y J Med Case Rep 2012 Feb 27;6:73
Determinants of postoperative hypocalcemia in vitamin D-deficient Graves'patients after total thyroidectomy Erbil Y, Ozbey NC, Sari S, Unalp HR, Agcaoglu O, Ersöz F, Issever H, Ozarmagan S Am J Surg 2011 May;201(5):685-91
The 8-oxoguanine DNA N-glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) Ser326Cys variant affects the susceptibility to Graves'disease Tanrikulu S, Doğru-Abbasoğlu S, Ozderya A, Ademoğlu E, Karadağ B, Erbil Y, Uysal M Cell Biochem Funct 2011 Apr;29(3):244-8
Predictive value of thyroid tissue density in determining the patients on whom sternotomy should be performed Sari S, Erbil Y, Ersöz F, Saricam G, Salmaslioğlu A, Işsever H, Ozarmağan S J Surg Res 2012 May 15;174(2):312-8
Predictive value of retroperitoneal fat area measurement for detecting metabolic syndrome in patients undergoing adrenalectomy Ersöz F, Erbil Y, Sarı S, Salmaslıoğlu A, Işsever H, Aral F, Özarmağan S World J Surg 2011 May;35(5):986-94
Radio-guided excision of parathyroid lesions in patients who had previous neck surgeries: a safe and easy technique for re-operative parathyroid surgery Sarı S, Erbil Y, Ersöz F, Olmez A, Salmaslıoğlu A, Adalet I, Colak N, Özarmağan S Int J Surg 2011;9(4):339-42
The effect of glutamine on oxidative damage in an experimental abdominal compartment syndrome model in rats Tihan DN, Erbil Y, Seven R, Arkaya S, Türkoğlu U, Hepgül G, Borucu I Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2011 Jan;17(1):1-8
Diagnostic value of thyroglobulin measurement in fine-needle aspiration biopsy for detecting metastatic lymph nodes in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma Salmaslıoğlu A, Erbil Y, Cıtlak G, Ersöz F, Sarı S, Olmez A, Tunacı M, Yılmazbayhan D, Colak N, Ozarmağan S Langenbecks Arch Surg 2011 Jan;396(1):77-81
Flapless conventional thyroidectomy: a prospective, randomized study Kamer E, Unalp H, Derici H, Akguner T, Erbil Y, Issever H, Peskersoy M Surg Today 2010 Nov;40(11):1018-22